We focus on our clients needs, offering sensible, pragmatic and cost effective advice which works for the long term future of all concerned.
Child Maintenance
The Court can award maintenance for a spouse as well as the children. Whether the Court would make such a spousal maintenance Order will depend on yours and your spouse’s financial position, in particular your incomes and earning capacity.
On separation you may find yourself in a difficult financial position if you have always been reliant upon your spouse for financial support, which can be particularly stressful when you are looking to seek legal advice but are concerned about the costs.
It is possible to make an interim application to the Court for maintenance to continue until you finally resolve financial matters with your spouse. This can help to ease the financial burden.
A final maintenance award is considered as part of the whole financial settlement. Maintenance payments would cease automatically were you to re-marry in the future. We can advise you as to the merits of obtaining an ongoing maintenance order or whether it would be in your interest to capitalise any potential maintenance claim and effect a “clean break”.
Call us today to discuss your legal worries on 0121 3550011 - We fight for you.
- Richard Kerry
- Director, Solicitor, COLP, COFA, MLRO
- Arzu Lone
- Head of Family Department Associate Solicitor
- Sanne van Vroenhoven
- Solicitor
- Ben Davis
- Trainee Solicitor