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Compensation Secured for Victim of Faulty Stairlift

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The personal injury team at Bell Lax have successfully recovered compensation for a 66-year-old lady who sustained multiple severe injuries after the stairlift she was using malfunctioned and tilted causing her to be thrown out of the seat.

Commonly, when stairlifts are purchased or hired, the relevant contracts require the seller/supplier to ensure that the installation of the stairlift is adequate and that the same is properly repaired and maintained.

On occasions however, the product may be:

  1. Of unsatisfactory quality
  2. Not fit for purpose
  3. Defective or in a dangerous state making it unsafe for the user.

Even if it is none of the above, proper repair and maintenance is essential.

Where failures lead to an accident and injury, claims can be brought under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and/or the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

When an item is purchased or hired, it would be a fair assumption to make that it will be of a safe standard.  In cases where that item is likely to be used by a vulnerable individual such as somebody with mobility issues, the impact of this not being the case can be even more devastating.

Not only can there be life-changing physical consequences from such accidents but there can also be very significant psychiatric issues which arise.  Understandably, somebody who is injured by a faulty stairlift will have difficulties with trusting such mobility aids in the future which will then have a significant impact on their ability to mobilise in the future.

I am delighted that we were able to secure a successful result for our client and her family.  Special thanks to my colleague Monika Williams who successfully concluded the matter.

We are passionate about achieving the best possible results for our clients and of our ability to provide our clients and their families with empathy, support and to be easily contactable at all times.

When facing an uncertain future, it is vitally important that you have the right people in your corner, making the process of pursuing compensation as stress-free as possible.

If you think that we may be able to help you or a friend or family member, please do not hesitate to call us today on 0121 355 0011.  Where appropriate, we will act for you on a no win no fee basis and at all stages, we will seek to ensure that you are not exposed to having to pay anything to anybody.
