We focus on our clients needs, offering sensible, pragmatic and cost effective advice which works for the long term future of all concerned.
Financial Settlements on Divorce
Reaching an agreement directly with your spouse
If you have already reached an agreement with your spouse we can draft the Consent Order or advise upon the terms of an Order drafted by your spouse’s solicitor for a fixed fee. Call us on 0121 355 0011 to book an appointment or talk through any concerns you have.
Court rules now state that most divorcing parties must attempt mediation prior to issuing court proceedings. Mediation involves you and your spouse sitting with an independent mediator who will look at your financial position and facilitate discussions. The mediator is impartial and cannot advise either you or your spouse.
Both you and your spouse should therefore take independent legal advice upon the terms of any agreement you reach at mediation or along the way as you are engaged in the mediation process. We can offer you a fixed fee to advise and assist you with mediation and for finalising any agreement into a final binding Court order.
If you can not agree
In many cases it may not be possible to reach an agreement directly or with the help of a mediator. This could be because of the emotions involved or simply because the assets and financial position are too complex and expert advice is needed.
From our background as solicitors specialising in resolving disputes we are able to consider the best way forward for you. Whether this is via negotiation with your spouse or their solicitor or through the Court process. Even where the Court process is used most couples will reach an agreement without the need for a full contested final hearing.
It is vitally important you seek expert legal advise on this matter, to ensure your finances are secure for the future. Please call us on 0121 355 0011 to discuss matters further, or email Jennifer Brook directly.
- Richard Kerry
- Director, Solicitor, COLP, COFA, MLRO
- Steven Lobley
- Family Solicitor
- Sanne van Vroenhoven
- Solicitor
- Ben Davis
- Trainee Solicitor